- Aplus.net MySQL database
Aplus.net offering 3 mysql databases for their business class hosting account. If you are going to host ecommerce site, or blog, or forum, each of these site will taken up one mysql database.
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- Easy CGI ecommerce hosting
Easy cgi ecommerce hosting plan support php 4 or php 5, mysql database, oscommerce ecommerce, private SSL certificate, password protected directories
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- Easy CGI VPS hosting plan
Windows vps hosting is harder to find. Easy cgi vps hosting featuring windows 2008 server and support ASP.Net 1.1/2.0, MySQL and PHP
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- Easy CGI windows hosting with php 5 support
notice that easy cgi windows hosting also support PHP. Either PHP4 or PHP 5, mysql database, and it also support phpbb forum script, oscommerce ecommerce
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- Exabytes Database
Exabytes has been solid in their mySQL support and features, and so I’m happy to recommend them if this is a sticking point for you when looking for a hosting provider.
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- Hostgator MySQL database
From hostgator hosting, you are getting unlimited mysql database from their shared hosting plan; hatching, baby, swamp. Hostgator had upgraded this mysql database feature, and even the hatchling plan is with unlimited mysql database.
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- Ipowerweb mysql database
Ipowerweb mysql database & mysql database management reviewed.
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- Ix web hosting MySQL database
Ix web hosting MySQL database feature reviewed by www.ixwebhostingreview.org
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- Netfirms MySQL database
netfirms shared hosting plan also come with 60 mysql database and with phpmyadmin control panel too. This means, if you want to host wordpress blog site, you can easily host up to 60 blog sites, or ecommerce site
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- Powweb personal hosting plan $2.50/month
Powweb hosting had launched the new personal hosting plan, that allows you to host single website in this plan, and its come with one mysql database as well.
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- Siteground MySQL database
Siteground MySQL database setup and test run. siteground mysql database specification, version, total connection limit per account, and so on.
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- Startlogic hosting for joomla CMS
Startlogic hosting is joomla compatible. I had check on startlogic hosting specification and compatibility, the php version and mysql database version is OK. I run a quick joomla installation in startlogic hosting plan that i using, and the joomla site is setup without problem.
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- Superb hosting forum
If its a new forum site, any web hosting plan that support php and with mysql database and htaccess is suitable for forum web hosting.
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- Webhostingbuzz MySQL database
WebHostingBuzz provide MySQL databases and their cPanel includes MySQL management tool called phpMyAdmin. This is a great tool and it enables you to manage easily all aspects of your database.
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- Webhostingpad database
Webhostingpad provides MySQL database to enable the user to access and query the databases created in their accounts
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