- Open Directory for Library Software - Reference
Directório de open software para gestão de informação e bibliotecas
in Public bookmarks with biblioteca gestão_conteúdos gestão_informação software
- Precise information access
Enabled by intelligent control
Taxonomy and metadata management software from Wordmap allows an enterprise to standardize its categories, terminology and metadata
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in Public bookmarks with software taxonomia thesaurus
- alert.pt
Paper Free Hospital - Software
in Public bookmarks with software
- Alfresco + Joomla!
A case of community filling its own needs | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET Blogs
in Public bookmarks with alfresco gestão_conteúdos_web joomla software
- Confluence
Wiki Features - Attachments
in Public bookmarks with software
- Crystal Reports
Software para geração de relatórios
in Public bookmarks with gestão_conhecimento software by 2 users
- CubeCart eCommerce
Software para comércio electrónico (free)e lojas on-line.
Free & commercial PHP & MySQL eCommerce shopping cart software used by over a million stores worldwide.
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in Public bookmarks with comércio_electrónico software by 4 users
- E-Learning Authoring Tools by Qarbon
Our Presentation Software is avaialble for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
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in Public bookmarks with software
- eHour
Timesheet Management
eHour is the free webbased time tracking solution for companies and organizations who need accurate information on how much time is spend on projects by their people
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in Public bookmarks with gestao_tempo software
- KnowledgeTree Document Management System
KnowledgeTree - Document Management System - KnowledgeTree - Open Source Document Management Software (DMS) - Knowledge Tree
KnowledgeTree makes document management simple. With KnowledgeTree professionals like you regain control over document chaos. You can create, co-author, and coordinate business documents – anytime and anywhere.KnowledgeTree helps you collaborate to create documents online or in Microsoft Office tools. You can quickly organize, store, and locate your documents. You get global and
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in Public bookmarks with gestão_documentos gestão_informação software
- Online Calendar, Address Book, Task Tracking, and other Business Tools - Athyrium
Software para gestão de tarefas
in Public bookmarks with software
- Portuguese ECM Interest Group Group News | LinkedIn
in Public bookmarks with gestão_documentos software
- Poseidon for UML
by Gentleware, just model products
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in Software with mapeamento_processos modelação software uml
- Todoist
Software on-line para gerir tarefas
Todoist is a leading online to-do list and task manager. We manage millions of to-dos and we are ready to manage yours as well!
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in Public bookmarks with software by 27 users
- Use MongoDB as a CMS database | 10gen
in Public bookmarks with gestao_documentos gestão_documentos software
- vixy.net
Online FLV Converter : Download online videos direct to PC / iPod / PSP. It's free!
in Public bookmarks with musica software by 96 users
- webindexing.pdf (Objecto application/pdf)
in Public bookmarks with indexação software
- Workrave
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
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in Public bookmarks with software by 7 users
Solutions for document management, records management, email archiving, content management and Information Access Solutions, document management, contract management, records management
in Public bookmarks with gestão_documentos software
software from all users