- Advanced Facelets programming
If you think internationalization is hard, think again! In this article, Richard Hightower follows up his immensely popular introduction to Facelets with more advanced ways to bridge the gap between Java Server Faces (JSF) and EL. Follow along as Rick shows you how to internationalize your Web pages easily, add custom logic tags to a composition component, and incorporate metaprogramming into your Facelets development.
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- facelets
JavaServer Facelets
in Bokmärkesfältsmapp > Java > [WEB] > [facelets] with bokmärkesfältsmapp facelets java javaserver web
- Facelets
Developer Documentation
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- Facelets fits JSF like a glove
Trying to combine JSF and JSP is like trying to shoehorn a foot into a glove: it's possible, but it's really just a stopgap measure until something better comes along. In this article, JSF enthusiast Rick Hightower introduces you to what he likes best about Facelets: easy HTML-style templating and reusable composition components.
in Bokmärkesfältsmapp > Java > [WEB] > [facelets] with bokmärkesfältsmapp combine facelets java jsf jsp trying web
- O'Reilly Media -- Bookstore: Facelets
Curious about Facelets, but short on time for trying a new product? This short cut shows you how to start developing web pages quickly with Facelets, the new JavaServer Faces-based templating framework. This short cut begins with an explanation of what...
Curious about Facelets, but short on time for trying a new product? This short cut shows you how to start developing web pages quickly with Facelets, the new JavaServer Faces-based templating framework. This short cut begins with an explanation of wh...
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in Bokmärkesfältsmapp > Java > [WEB] > [facelets] with bokmärkesfältsmapp curious facelets java short time trying web
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