- APML - Attention Profiling Mark-up Language
in Public bookmarks with apml attention privacy standards tech web xml by 3 users
- Blogs are Not Forums, Message Boards, Newsgroups, Listservs, or USENET
There is a misconception that the blog is just another format for discussion like the mailing list, discussion forums, message boards, newsgroups, or USENET. This is not true. None of these messaging tools have achieved much success with crossover, which
in Public bookmarks with blogger blogging blogs boards broadcast email feed forums lists listserv listservs mailing news newsgroups newspapers rss rss2 usenet viral xml
- Chris Abraham: RSS Ads and Advertising
Advertising embedded in RSS feeds is becoming a hot topic
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- Google AdSense Ads in RSS, RSS2, and ATOM XML/RDF News Feeds
I can expand my empire to the news feeds themselves
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- Google Will Lose to Feeds
Google will not lose its place as top search engine to another search engine but to feeds.
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- RSS Enablement for Enterprise » BuzzTracker
Here's a quick primer for a piece of the Enterprise 2.0 puzzle that had eluded me: most stuff in an Enterprise isn't aggregation-ready. Just about everything - notes, docs, spreadsheets, IMs, email, PDFs, databases, files, and archives - don't have RSS fe
in Public bookmarks with aggregator atom enablement rss syndication xml
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