- Crypto-Gram: January 15, 2007
In this issue: Automated Targeting System; Surveillance Cameras Catch a Cold-Blooded Killer; Crypto-Gram Reprints; Auditory Eavesdropping; Tracking Automobiles Through their Tires; Licensing Boaters; Wal-Mart Stays Open During Bomb Scare; News; NSA Helps Microsoft with Windows Vista; Microsoft Anti-Phishing and Small Businesses; Not Paying Attention at the Virginia DMV; More on the
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- Druckversion - Sicherheitsforschung: Mit High-Tech gegen Terroristen - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Mit über 120 Millionen Euro kurbelt die Große Koalition die Sicherheitsforschung an. Von dem Programm profitieren Wissenschaftler und Unternehmen. Experten warnen jedoch vor der Illusion, High-Tech helfe gegen Terror.
Mit über 120 Millionen Euro kurbelt die Große Koalition die Sicherheitsforschung an. Von dem Programm profitieren Wissenschaftler und Unternehmen. Experten warnen jedoch vor der Illusion, High-Tech helfe gegen Terror.
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- Schneier on Security: Choosing Secure Passwords
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- Using Passwords in Outlook Express
Learn about best practices for choosing a password, how to configure Outlook Express to remember your passwords, and what to do if Outlook Express forgets them.
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- Wired News: MySpace Passwords Aren't So Dumb
Get in-depth politics and legal news coverage including online privacy, Internet security, government regulations, censorship and free speech from Wired.com.
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in Public bookmarks with mtc passwords sicherheit
- Wired News: Secure Passwords Keep You Safer
Get in-depth politics and legal news coverage including online privacy, Internet security, government regulations, censorship and free speech from Wired.com.
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