- Mebbo
Ajax IM (messenger)
Meebo, the web platform for IM on any network or site. Meebo connects you to MSN, Yahoo, AOL/AIM, MySpace, Facebook, Google Talk, and many more!
aim express facebook google instant live messenger msn myspace talk web windows yahoo
with cscw worktop by 54 users
- Meet-O-Matic
The World's Simplest Meeting Scheduler
Easy and free meeting scheduler: use a simple web form, email participants, view results, presto: the opposite of all the power meeting organizer tools that no one uses!!
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with worktop
- Mobile Solutions, Mobile Applications, and Handheld Devices from Microsoft Windows Mobile
with pocketpc
- My Ta-da Lists
with worktop
- My.StikiPad
with worktop
- NCSA Habanero
with cscw
- orkut - home
with communities
- Pocket Player
Software for Windows Mobile and iPhone
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with downloads pocketpc
- Podcast directory, podcast reviews and podcasting resource
Podfeed.net is the premier podcast directory, podcast and podcasting resource on the web. The best resource for finding podcasts, listening to podcasts and sharing your podcast with others.
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with podcast by 2 users
- podscope (search engine for podcasts)
with podcast by 7 users
- Popular Science
with technology-watch by 4 users
- Punctuation (P)
with writing by 2 users
- Ruta Cultural (La Plata)
with ocio
- Seaside: Tutorial
home seaside.st
with oo web-development
- Semantic MediaWiki
affiliation author coded date editing extends feature has homepage license mediawiki paper paradigm release semantic
with wiki
- Semantic MediaWiki - Meta
and applications background data envisaged extension extensions implementation mediawiki ontologies op semantic status the web
with wiki
- Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki
A practical blog for impractical people.
with blogs technology-watch by 21 users
- Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Proyectos
sigecyt SeCyT/ANPCyT
with secyt
- Subsecretaría de la Gestión Pública
República Argentina
Argentina,La Subsecretaría, Autoridades, Misión, Ejes de Gestión, Áreas de Trabajo, Empleo Público, Regímenes vigentes, Movimientos del personal, Normativa, Informes y estadísticas, Foro, Directores Personal, Concursos, Dictámenes, Tecnologías de la Información, Noticias, Estándares Tecnológicos, Firma Digital, Seguridad Informática, Documentos de interés, Foro, INAP,
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with e-gov estado
- SWiK
A freely editable wiki about open source proyects
SWiK is a project to document open source software. SWiK is both a marketing project for SourceLabs and a public service to the open source community, to encourage open source to thrive and grow. Additionally, SWiK can serve as a general purpose wiki.
with opensource wiki by 20 users
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