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    What's different is that instead of waiting for them to publish their work, Unbound allows you to listen to their ideas for what they'd like to write before they even start. If you like their idea, you can pledge to support it. If we hit the target number of supporters, the author can go ahead and start writing (if the target isn't met you can either get your pledge refunded in full or switch your pledge to another Unbound project).
    in Public bookmarks with new-publishing
  • My Experience with the Espresso Book Machine by Chris Walters
    It took about fifteen minutes to print the book, although it appears that under ideal circumstances it would take less than ten: a minute to find the book through the EBM’s control panel, another minute to download the file, one more to adjust the paper, and then about five minutes to print, cut and glue the thing. You can hear and see the book coming together page by page through the plexiglass, and you can smell the glue as it’s heated up and applied to the spine. It’s sort of like a Build-A-Bear for grownups and/or nerds.
    in Public bookmarks with new-publishing
  • Kobo Acquired by Japanese eCommerce Giant Rakuten
    The $315M will help fuel the transformation of Indigo into “the world’s first cultural department store”.
    in Public bookmarks with new-publishing

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