Synergy Little virtual KVM. Works. Documentation is clear as mud on how to set it up. Basically, you set up "links" that link a side (%wise) to the other computer. The "server" is the computer that shares the keyboard and mouse. You have to name the screen on the server as well as the client. You have to create a link from the server to the client - AND - you must create a link from the client to the server! Otherwise you can't get back to the server if you don't. Glad I took the time to figure it out (should have been 1/10th the time with proper documentation...) Redmine bugissuetracker in Public bookmarkswith applecomputercoolfreefreewarekeyboardkvmmacmonitormouseosxremotesharesoftwaretooltoolsunixutilitiesvncwindowsby 25 users