- Créateurs de sites - DroitDuNet.fr
Tout sur les droits et les obligations des créateurs de sites ou de blogs : mentions légales, noms de domaine, droits d’auteur, marques, brevets, [...]
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- David Weiss: A Tour of Microsoft's Mac Lab
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- DNS Stuff: DNS tools, DNS hosting tests, WHOIS, traceroute, ping, and other network and domain name tools.
in Public bookmarks with system:unfiled by 119 users
- Email Blacklist Check - See if your server is blacklisted
Online email blacklist lookup check to find out if email server is on any real-time blacklist, spam blacklist or DNS black list commonly used to block email spam
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in Public bookmarks with system:unfiled by 4 users
- Lightbox JS v2.0
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in Public bookmarks with system:unfiled by 46 users
- Live Messenger Opens to Public
The Windows Live Messenger, previously available by invitation only (sort of), is open to the public starting at 9 pm PST tonight (Monday). ...
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- Seth's Blog
Seth Godin's riffs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread.
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in Public bookmarks with system:unfiled by 19 users
- tech/biz blog
Technology, startups, and other unpublishable items.
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- useit.com: Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design
Research findings from many usability studies 1994-2012. Regular Alertbox column + Web design guidelines. Usability training courses.
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in Public bookmarks with system:unfiled by 40 users
- web-analytique
articles sur les analyses de stats de sites web
- Web-Analytique.com : le portail français de l'analyse d'audience. Retrouvez toute l'actualitée du web analytique, des dossiers complets, des tutoriaux...
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