Biowulf User Guide "The NIH Biowulf cluster is a GNU/Linux parallel processing system designed and built at the National Institutes of Health and managed by the Helix Systems Staff. Biowulf consists of a main login node and 2200 compute nodes with a combined processor count of nearly 9000. The computational nodes are connected to high-speed networks and have access to high-performance fileservers." in Public bookmarkswith hardwarenihparallelcomputing
Mighty mouse scrolling stops working - MacFixIt "Apple recommends taking a lint-free cloth and lightly moistening it to clean the surface of the mouse as well as the mouse enclosure. If the mouse has a noticeable piece of dirt that can be felt in the mechanism, users are recommended to turn the mouse upside down and roll the ball against the cloth rapidly until the dirt dislodges." in Public bookmarkswith applehardwaremacmousetips