- 123 Profit-generating Ways To Monetize Your Website Like It All Comes Natural
123 great ways to monetize your website.
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- 24 ways {Layouts, and page curls}
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- 34 More Ways to Build Your Own Social Network
A few weeks ago we posted 9 Ways to Build Your Own Social Network, a review of several hosted, do-it-yourself white label social ...
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- 8 Ways to Save Bandwidth on your RSS Feed
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- Cache it! Solve PHP Performance Problems [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]
Looking for ways to speed up your web site? Caching's the answer. Whether you want to ensure your content's cached, or guarantee that it's not, this tutorial has the solutions to your caching problems. In it, Ben shows how to manipulate http headers to control caching on the client side, and use server caching to make your site's performance skyrocket.
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- Complete Guide To Selling Ad Space On Your Blog - Blogaholic Social Network
There are many different ways to monetize your blog, one of the most common ways is to offer ad space or sponsorship spots on your blog. You can do this throug…
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- DIGITAL CHARITY TOOLBOX: 50+ Ways to Get Your "Give" On
From charitable online games to gifts, and more, here are over 50 digitally-adept ways to give back this holiday season.
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new ways of revenue generation - Animation Xpress.com
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- Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better | OEDb
Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better
Tips on how to learn better than ever before.
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- htaccess Caching
2 awesome ways to implement caching on your website using Apache .htaccess or httpd.conf. Both methods are extremely simple to set up and will dramatically speed up your site!
2 awesome ways to implement caching on your website using Apache .htaccess or httpd.conf. Both methods are extremely simple to set up and will dramatically speed up your site!
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- PHP configuration patterns
This article demonstrates several ways to create configurable PHP applications. It also discusses the ideal configuration points in an application, and finding the balance point between an application that is too configurable and one that is too closed.f
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- Smart List
30 Ways to Learn Almost Anything - Getting Smart by Getting Smart Staff - edchat, EdTech, K-12, OER | Getting Smart
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