- BeauScott.com » Blog Archive » HelpBalloon.js version 2.0
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- ionForge Evolution Source Control System - Simply Better Source Control
source control, version control, revision control, change tracking, change management, SCM, build process, process automation, Sarbanes-Oxley, ionForge, evolution, ionForge Evolution, Evolution SCM, EvolutionSCM, code promotion, file promotion, promotion stages
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > TESTING TOOLS with athis breeze control projects source testing tools version
- JavaScript Packer in PHP
PHP version of the Dean Edwards JavaScript 's Packer
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > JAVASCRIPTTOOLS > MUST READ with athis breeze dean javascripttools php projects read version
- Make a Mobile Friendly Version of your Blog with Google Reader
Make a mobile friendly version of your blog using Google Reader - no coding required. And your blog or RSS feed will load extremely fast on a mobile phone.
in Athi's > MOBILE SITES with athis blog friendly google mobile reader sites version by 2 users
- PipeJax
pure javascript version, Yahoo Pipes to Ajax Bridge | #comments
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