- Best Health Blogs: 10 Blogs Worth Checking Out - Associated Content
Check out Best Health Blogs: 10 Blogs Worth Checking Out - Submitted by Slate Stone at Associated Content
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- Double Chin Exercise - Winzy Search and Win
Dear Cecil: Is there some specific exercise a concerned citizen can use to get rid of a double chin (his own, that is)? And is it true, as ...
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- Everything Yoga: November 2007
A guide to living your yoga from a devoted yogi, yoga teacher, and yoga therapist who believes that yoga=bliss.
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- FITNESS TOOLBOX: 60+ Health & Fitness Sites
All college freshman fear the freshman 15 - those 15 lbs you gain in the first month of college. Or ...
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- Health & Poetry
in Bookmarks Toolbar > Pers with health pers poetry
- How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body
Everyone knows exercise plays an important role in our general health, but whether its a lack of motivation, the need to travel to the gym, the cost of equipment, or simply know-how, these supposed obstacles often stand in our way. In reality, all you need is yourself. Here's how you can get a full-body workout with nothing but your body.
in Athi's > PERSONAL > HEALTH with athis everyone exercise health knows personal plays role by 2 users
- Inspiration & Expert Advice for Changing Your Life | First30Days
First30Days is the best place to come for help with changes big and small, personal and professional.
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- The Health Wisdom Blog™ (by OrganizedWisdom)
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- Top Health 2.0 Web Apps - ReadWriteWeb
Health 2.0, web-based apps and services for the healthcare sector, is a nascent but potentially huge market for web 2.0. As of now, many of these apps have ...
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- Yoga Journal
Health : Ayurveda
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Food and Health information in Tamil
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