Introduction to C Memory Management and C++ Object-Oriented Programming | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT ... Ever hang your head in shame after your Python program wasn't as fast as your friend's C program? Ever wish you could use objects without having to use Java? Join us for this fun introduction to C and C++! We will take you through a tour that will start with writing simple C programs, go deep into the caves of C memory manipulation, resurface with an introduction to using C++ classes, dive deeper into advanced C++ class use and the C++ Standard Template Libraries. We'll wrap up by teaching you some tricks of the trade that you may need for tech interviews.
We see this as a "C/C++ empowerment" course: we want you to come away understanding
why you would want to use C over another language (control over memory, probably for performance reasons),
why you w... in ATHIS 2016 SEP16 > ONLINE COURSESwith coursesfriendshangheadonlineprogrampythonshame