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  • Can 1-man Startups shine? - Chennai OpenCoffee Club
    single handed startup stories like plentyoffish and hotornot inspired me most develop webapps only after my first launch realized its not easy become overnight millionaires do you believe 1-man startups can make top do you consider startups like plentyoffish, hotornot, and techmeme exceptions examples 1-man successful startups creating amateur web 2.0 apps has become hobby pass-time activity many techies (software developers) they cheap build, relatively easy market, and just requires person two manage pen down your thoughts amateur webapp can evolve into becoming startup believe concepts business-model, partnerships, and evolution (scope growth) applied homemade webapp, gets transformed into startup.. instance, techcrunch and gigaom started normal blogg...
    in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ ULLANGAL > IMP INFO with athis handed imp info projects single startup ullangal

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