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SignWriting: Read, write, type all Sign Languages of the Deaf. Free lessons online teach symbols for handshapes, movements and facial expressions. Download SignWriter shareware, Sutton fonts, sign dictionaries, literature.
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The Voice of America (VOA) is an international multi-media broadcasting organization based in the United States. It provides news and information to the world since 1942. VOA produces radio, television, and Internet program materials in 44 languages and in English.美国之音(VOA)是位于美国境内的国际多媒体广播机构,美国之音自1942年以来一直用英语及其他四十四种语言通过广播、电视和因特网向全球提供新闻及其他信息。美国之音中文网用中文向中国大陆及亚洲广大地区提供新闻以及各类信息。
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