- Investment Politics 2008 - What's (left) In Your Wallet?
As Investors, we represent the single biggest voter block in the country. Of the 250 million (+ or -) voting age Americans, no less than 75% have some form of investment portfolio plus an interest in the illusory Social Security Trust Fund. Investors have the power to elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy.
in Public bookmarks with economy elections global government investors ira politicians politics
- The Law of the Land
The average American is too busy leading their lives to bother with such foolishness, but you will have to become one of these jackasses also, or nothing will ever change for the better. People who have nothing but enrichment, notoriety, and selfishness as their agendas are sucking America down a hole. We have to get out there and change the things we disagree with, and it seems the only way to do so is to become what we hate...
in Public bookmarks with america constitution humor irreverant law politics
- Heightened Awareness, Elections and Leadership in America
Political comment
in Public bookmarks with american energy politicians politics public safety supply terrorists water
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