Free Hide Folder Free Hide Folder is a free computer security software to hide your private folders. It is very useful to keep your personal data away from others. Others will not know where your personal files exist and they will not be able to accidentally view them. You can hide folders simply with a few mouse clicks. Free Hide Folder is protected by a password that you can change or remove at any time. Free Hide Folder is a free computer security tool to hide your private folders. filefolderfoldersfreeguardhidehiderpasswordprotectorsecret in Software > Privacywith hiddendatahidefoldersprivacysecurity
View images and photos in CNET's Photos: How to secure your wireless laptop - This slide show assumes you have a working wireless laptop. For our purposes we'll use a Acer Travelmate 8200 laptop running Windows XP SP2. Over the next few slides we'll discuss how to: Meet network connections propertiesRemove past connectionsMake new connections on demandTurn off ad hoc networkingTu howimageslaptopphotossecureslideshowswirelessyour in Software > Privacywith laptopprivacysecuritywirelesswirelessnetwork