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    Windows Sysinternals Muchas herramientas para manipular windows
    Microsoft Windows Sysinternals: Library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install, deploy, and maintain Windows with Sysinternals utilities.
    in tech > OS with herramienta s.o. utilerias windows by 32 users
  • Slashdot | Microkernel
    The Comeback?
    bariswheel writes "In a paper co-authored by the Microkernel Maestro Andrew Tanenbaum, the fragility of modern kernels are addressed: "Current operating systems have two characteristics that make them unreliable and insecure: They are huge and they have very poor fault isolation. The Linux kernel ha...
    in news > slashdot with opensource opinion s.o. slashdot

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