Slashdot Ruby on Rails for DB2 Developers An anonymous reader writes "Ruby on Rails seems to be the new hotness in the world of web development, right up there with Ajax. IBM DeveloperWorks has a helpful howto on how to bring the worlds of Ruby on Rails and your DB2 framework together. From the article: 'Because Rails emerged from the ope... in tech > programmingwith ibmprogrammingrailsrubyrubyonrailsslashdottutorial
Slashdot Microsoft Goes Head-to-Head With IBM conq writes "BusinessWeek has a piece on Microsoft's latest announcements that it is going after large-business computing, a realm that IBM currently has a stronghold on." From the article: "In both cases, the company has fashioned 'enterprise' versions of the products with additional security and c... in news > slashdotwith ibmmicrosoftslashdot