- Internet Public Library: Shakespeare Bookshelf
with shakespeare
- Internet Shakespeare Editions
Contains all of Shakespeare's works, in old spellings (some also in modern spelling and edited), including multiple versions (first folio, quarto, second folio...).
with shakespeare by 2 users
- Interpretation and Philosophical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
with interpretation philosophy physics qm quantum-mechanics zeilinger
- Introducing the Java Content Repository API
with read_later
- Introduction To Bash Shell Scripting (2004.11.06)
with bash reference scripting
- Introduction to Caml
with caml
- Introduction to Category Theory -- online paper
with category-theory mathematics philosophy
- Introduction to Cryptography
with cryptography introduction learning security
- Introduction to HiveMind
with apache dependency-injection framework hivemind j2ee java
- Introduction to IO - HaskellWiki
with haskell io programming-languages tutorial
- Introduction to Nessus
by Harry Anderson 1.0 Introduction Nessus is a great tool designed to automate the testing and discovery of known security problems. Typically someone, a hacker group, a security company, or a researcher discovers a specific way to violate the security of a software product.
antivirus endpoint protection securityfocus symantec
with linux networking security
- Introduction to Programming in Haskell
with course haskell tutorials
- Introduction to Type Theory
with compsci cs theory type-theory
- Invalid techniques of proof
with fallacies reasoning
- IO inside - HaskellWiki
with haskell io programming-languages tutorial
- Irrational Exuberance » Part 1: Django and Ajax: Introduction and Setup
with ajax django tutorial by 2 users
- ishida >> blog » Personal names around the world 1
with personal-names programming
- IT Conversations: Audio Podcasts on Information Technology and Business
IT Conversations is the longest-running podcast on the planet, publishing a new audio program nearly every day, from the most important tech conferences to our unique programs. Not just IT, it's everything tech and beyond.
information technology
with podcast by 9 users
- iterate, the extensible iteration construct
with common-lisp iterate lisp loop
- J2SE Code Names
with j2se java
Bookmarks 381 - 400
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