- 2004-07-20 The Java Specialists' Newsletter [Issue 092] - OutOfMemoryError Warning System
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- A New Era for Java Protocol Handlers
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- A Set of Unit Testing Rules
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- A Swing Architecture Overview
This document presents a technical overview of the Swing component architecture. In particular, it covers the following areas in detail:Design goals Roots in MVC Separable model architecture Pluggable look-and-feel architecture
in Public bookmarks with architecture gui java swing by 3 users
- alphaWorks : Asynchronous IO for Java : Overview
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- Armed Bear Common Lisp
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- Can't beat Jazzy
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- ClientJava.com
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- ClientJava.com - Extreme Agility with jMatter
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- Cloudscape/Derby Documentation
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- Cobertura
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- Cortado: open-source multimedia streaming
Cortado currently include Java decoders for Ogg Theora, Ogg Vorbis, Mulaw audio, MJPEG and our own Smoke codec.
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- coyote: Dynamic language support in NetBeans
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- Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing
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- deployutil: Deployment Utilities for Jini™ Technology-based Applications
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- Designing Performance-Optimized JDBC Applications
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- dk.brics.automaton - finite-state automata and regular expressions for Java
Very fast regex/finite-state automaton library, freely available under bsd license.
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- Dynamic Languages and Java - JVMLanguages
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- EclipsePlugins : hi! Find your plugin for Eclipse here.
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