- Children's HIV association
The Children's HIV Association of the UK and Ireland. CHIVA is an Association of professionals who are committed to providing excellence in the care of children infected or affected by HIV and their families.
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- Children's Services MKN (Beta)
Children and Young People's Services Managed Knowledge Network (from NES)
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- Children's Surgery
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- Clinical Governance
Learning resource from NHS Scotland
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- Cochrane Library
Database of systematic reviews, evidence based medicine resources
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Welsh Child Protection Systematic Review Group
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- CORE INFO | Cardiff Child Protection Systematic Reviews
systematically reviewing the world literature with regard to child abuse and neglect. Our focus, to date, has been on the recognition and investigation of suspected abuse / maltreatment, providing current and accessible literature, whilst also recommending a research agenda for those working within the field.
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- Correlapaedia - Virtual Pediatric Hospital
Pediatric Radiology | Pediatric Surgery | Pediatric Pathology
A correlative encyclopedia of pediatric Imaging, surgery and pathology
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Knowledge network tools
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- Diabetes Scotland Glasgow site
Greater Glasgow and Clyde Children's Diabetes Service
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- Dietary Needs Direct
Foods for allergy/intolerance
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- Disability Living Foundation
Disability aids, mobility aids, daily living equipment, help, advice from Disabled Living Foundation
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- Don't Forget the Bubbles |
Medical paed education blog esp PICU, emergency medicine
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- DOTS - Doctors online training system
NHS Doctors online training system
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- Dr Chris Cates' EBM Web Site
GP evidence based medicine site, including Visual Rx, an online OR to NNT calculator
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- Drug allergy position papers EAACI
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- Drugs Porphyria database
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- Duncan Guthrie Medical Genetics lab
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- DynaMed
Clinical reference tool, updated daily
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- e-Learning for General Practice
e-GP online e-learning resource for NHS General Practitioners and doctors undertaking specialty training for UK general practice, jointly developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH).
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