- GeneMaths XT
Microarray Analysis Software
with data_vis microarray analysis software
- GenePilot
GenePilot is a powerful and intuitive MicroArray Analysis tool that provides an Integrated Suite of powerful tools, graphical results and desirable features including a sophisticated Gene Ontology display in all result screens.
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- Genome-Phenome Superbrain Project - Home
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- iHOP - Information Hyperlinked over Proteins
iHOP - Information Hyperlinked over Proteins. iHOP provides the network of genes and proteins as a natural way of accessing the millions of abstracts in PubMed. By employing genes and proteins as hyperlinks between sentences and abstracts, the information in PubMed becomes bound together into one navigable resource. A Gene Network for Navigating the Literature, Nature Genetics 36, 664 (2004). www.ihop-net.org/UniPub/iHOP/
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- ITS Research Consulting: Tutorials
Information Technology Services at The University of Texas at Austin.
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- ITS2 Database
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- KDnuggets
Data Mining, Web Mining, and Knowledge Discovery Guide
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- Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Tools and Techniques
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- LCB Tools page
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- Ligand Explorer Help Page
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- ModuleFinder and CoReg
alternative tools for linking gene expression modules with promoter sequences motifs to uncover gene regulation mechanisms in plants
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- MOVE: A Multi-level Ontology-based Visualization and Exploration framework for genomic networks
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- NETTAB Workshops
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- Obtaining gCLUTO
Karypis Lab
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- Open source Clustering software
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- orkut - home
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- Osprey
a network visualization system
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