Introduction to the Ion Window Manager Modular window manager designed for keyboard lovers; has floating or tiled windows (which can also be workspaces in their own right), statusbar that can swallow other apps (or Window Maker protocol apps & KDE-protocol system tray icons), documented config & script interface, drop-down scratchpad, and does not subscribe to the "totalitarian" rules of GNU/FOSS. in Computers & Electronicswith guiion_wmkeyboardlinuxsoftwarewindow_managersx
XAutomation Control X from the command line for scripts, and do "visual scraping" to find things on the screen. The conrol interface allows mouse movement, clicking, button up/down, key up/down, etc, and uses the XTest extension so you don't have the annoying problems that xse has when apps ignore sent events. The visgrep program find images inside of images and reports the coordinates, allowing progams to find buttons, etc, on the screen to click on. in Computers & Electronicswith commandlineguikeyboardlinuxmouseprogrammingshell_scriptssoftwarex