- Clippings
"Saves and manages frequently-entered text for later pasting in Firefox."
in Computers & Electronics with 1-best-of extensions firefox recommendations software web web_browsers
- 12 Must-Have OpenOffice Extensions – Make Tech Easier
in Computers & Electronics with extensions list openoffice recommendations software tips by 3 users
- 9 More OpenOffice Extensions
Some useful extensions for OpenOffice -- special characters, PDF import/editing...
in Computers & Electronics with extensions linux openoffice software writing
- Craigslist Fusion :: Add-on for Firefox
"Craigslist listing image preview, large images, detail, map, drive direction, send pre-drafted emails, email templates. Preferences, auto layout, movable, re-sizable, closable preview."
in Computers & Electronics with craigslist extensions firefox recommendations
- EasyList (AdBlock Filter List) User Forum
No registration required; lets users share filters they've created to be included in EasyList, ask for help blocking things, and a whack of a lot more.
in Computers & Electronics with discussion extensions firefox
- LastPass - Password Manager, Form Filler, Password Management
Great, highly secure password manager & form-filler for Linux, Windows, and Mac.
in Computers & Electronics with extensions firefox linux management online passwords service software utilities web windows by 12 users
- Netvouz buttons :: Add-ons for Firefox
"Netvouz buttons on the URL toolbar gives quick access to your Netvouz home page, and to the Netvouz bookmark submission form."
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- OpenOffice Extension - Format2Style
"Analyses hardformatted documents and makes quick styling possible."
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- OpenOffice Extensions -- PDF Import Extension
Lets user import & modify simple PDF documents.
in Computers & Electronics with editor extensions linux openoffice pdf software
- OpenOffice.org Extension - Compose Special Characters
"Lets you type two or three characters and use a keyboard shortcut to convert them into a single accented or special character. You can also compose unicode characters using the 4 character unicode value."
in Computers & Electronics with extensions keyboard linux openoffice software
- OpenOffice.org Extension - History Manager
"A manager for the OOo Recent Documents list that allows you to change its size or clear it."
in Computers & Electronics with extension extensions linux openoffice software
- OpenOffice.org2GoogleDocs | OpenOffice.org repository for Extensions
"For Google Docs you may export, update and import all your documents, spreadsheets and presentations, for Zoho you may export documents, spreadsheets and presentations, and import documents and spreadsheets, to WebDAV you may export what you are able to open in OO.org :-) Needs Java 5+ to work."
in Computers & Electronics with extensions google google_docs java linux openoffice software by 2 users
- Pagination | OpenOffice.org repository for Extensions
"A little macro that adds a 'Insert / Page number...' dialog to Writer. It eases the way you can add page numbers to a document."
in Computers & Electronics with extensions linux openoffice software word_processors by 3 users
extensions from all users