- The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics
Tons of information about basically every song by the Grateful Dead, but sadly not updated to fix errors or broken links in a long time.
with discography grateful_dead lyrics music
- The Bad Fads Museum
"The Fads You Wish Would Stay Forever... or Never Come Back... Browse through the fun and fascinating fads of the last 100 years. The Bad Fads Museum will take you on a tour of popular culture with more than 100 fads in ten categories..."
with history humor society
- The History of US Government Food Stamps
Detailed yet easy-to-read history of food stamps, all the way up through today's program, known as SNAP.
with government history info snap social_programs social_services
- The Internet Nice Guy Rears His Ugly Head Once More
Very amusing piece on "Nice Guys" by a man fed up with all of the resentful whining over not being laid for acting like a decent human being...
with feminism humor
- The Nigmae Community
Wide variety of things to download -- ebooks, movies, PDA software...
Photo & Video Sharing Website
with bittorrent downloads ebooks file_sharing search video by 2 users
- The No-Kill Equation
with cats no-kill pets simpy_bookmarks
- The Plot Twist Generator
"Sometimes, you just don't know what comes next. Fortunately, this generator does."
with free humor web_apps writing
- The Pony Lagoon's Breyer Reference
Photos & information about the different releases of each Breyer mold, categorized by size. Covers traditional, classic, and stablemate size models up until a few years ago, though not entirely complete.
with 1-best-of model_horses reference
- The Seven Nutritional Factors of Quality Pet Food
Briefly explains what to look for or avoid in various categories of pet food ingredients like protein & grain types.
with cats info pet_food pet_food_ingredients pets
- The Tragedy of 'Free To Good Home'
with cats simpy_bookmarks
- The Wikipedia Game
with fun games search web wikipedia
- Thriving Pets: Renal Disease (Kidney Failure) Products
Store selling veterinary supplies for CRF and other conditions -- most-recommended by Scooter's CRF Supplies website for the best prices & customer reports. (Best for fluids, 1" Terumo needles, IV admin sets at the least.)
with 1-best-of cats chronic_renal_failure fluids stores sub-q supplies veterinary_care
- Vaccine Sarcoma Awareness Site
with cats simpy_bookmarks
- Veterinarians Recommended by Owners of Chronically Ill Cats
"The vets below have been recommended by members of the Feline CRF Support Group and other cat owners."
with cats recommendations reviews veterinary_care
- Vintage Ad Browser
Divided into a variety of subjects: alcohol, computers, toys, etc.
with vintage
- Webcast: Cats With Renal Disease
Excellent & technical video on CRF basics, IRIS staging, treatment, and the importance of phosphorous restriction.
with cats chronic_renal_failure veterinary_care videos
- Welfare's History, From AFDC To TANF
About the history of welfare, today's TANF version, and the change to it from AFDC (which had the traits people inaccurately claim of today's welfare).
with government history info social_programs social_services welfare
- What's Cookin'? Ever Wonder What Happens to Dead Animals?
A scanned-in copy of the 90s newspaper article providing photographic evidence & quoted interviews indicating that deceased pets were being shipped to a rendering plant for use in (among other things) pet food.
with articles cats info pet_food pets
- What's In Your Pet's Food?
Lists the ingredients in pet foods that we should avoid, and explains why (the health impact) for each one.
with cats info pet_food pet_food_ingredients pets
- You Suck At Craigslist
A blog sharing (and poking fun at) the most absurd & messed-up Craigslist ads people can find.
with blogs humor by 12 users
Bookmarks 81 - 100
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