Alto Estate Alto is situated on the slopes of the Helderberg Mountain in the Stellenbosch Wine of Origin district. Its trellised vineyards cling to the high granite slopes that rise from a 100 to 500 metres above sea level, which are ideal for the cultivation of red with africanaltocabernetestaterougesauvignonshirazsouthstellenboschwine
Bodegas Martúe Notes - Martue is a relatively new Bodega created by wine grower Fausto Gonzales with backing from some rather wealthy businessmen. The idea behind the project was to create Castillian wine "fit for a king." The main varieties planted at Martue are Cabern with guardialamartuespanishsyrahtempranillotoledowine
Niepoort (Vinhos) S.A. Niepoort is a family company now in its fifth generation and presently managed by Dirk Niepoort. Despite being the second smallest shippers in the trade they are second to none in quality. Already famous for their classic tawny ports, they have now joined with christeningcolheitacrustedniepoortoportoportrubytawnyvintage
Wine Spectator Online The definitive wine website! More than 240,000 expert wine ratings, with full reviews, including tasting notes, score and recommendations on when to drink. Learn more, drink better: The essentials of wine, plus dining and travel tips, collecting and auction advice, news and features, blogs, videos and more. with burgundyclaretnotesportspectatortastingwineby 11 users