- Schemas for PREMIS. PREMIS: Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity (Library of Congress)
Schema für PREMIS vom April 2008
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving metadata metadaten preservation standards xml by 2 users
- Science Commons
Webseite der Science Commons; Lizenzverträge.
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration preservation standards by 2 users
- Semantic Web School
Schule zum Thema Semantic Web und Wissensmanagement in Österreich - Semantische Technologien, Web 2.0, Social Software, Glossar, Ausbildung, Seminare, Studien
in Public bookmarks with [de] beratung collaboration consulting km knowledge_management semantic_web standards by 2 users
- SemanticWeb.org
Portal der Semantic Web Community
in Public bookmarks with [en] community portal standards wcm web_2.0 by 6 users
SNIA SD-SCDF Standard für Informationsobjekte für die Langzeitarchivierung
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving preservation snia standards storage verband by 2 users
- SOA - Expertenrat
Blog der ComputerWoche zu SOA Service Oriented Architecture
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog journal soa standards trends by 2 users
- SOA Best Practices: The BPEL Cookbook
Die Anwendung von BPEL in SOA Umgebungen aus der Sicht von Oracle
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management soa standards workflow by 2 users
- Standards (The Library of Congress)
Standards der Library of congress: MARC, MODS, MADS, EAC, EAD, METS und andere
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving document_related_technologies library preservation records_management rm standards by 3 users
- Statements zu MoReq2 | www.MoReq2.de
Statements zur Bedeutung von MoReq2 auf www.Moreq2.de
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] [es] [fr] [it] aiim dlm ibm kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 opentext preservation project_consult records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- Telepolis: Das Wissen der Zukunft
Artikel zum Projekt Kopal Langzeitarchivierung mit der interessanten These, dass nur durch eine "Priesterschaft" Wissen langfristig tradiert werden kann .... andere Projekte wie PLANETS oder in den USA werden nicht erwähnt
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving article dlm journal portal preservation records_management standards by 2 users
- The ISO Standard Glossary
International Standards from ISO 1 to ISO 9000, ISO 17799 and Beyond. Verzeichnis aller ISO Normen mit den genauen Titeln
in Public bookmarks with [en] glossary iso standards by 2 users
- The Ten Thousand Year Blog
Archivist-historian David Mattison’s musings and Web tracks on digital culture preservation issues
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving blog historie preservation records_management rm standards by 2 users
- The Workflow Management Coalition
Vereinigung der Anbieter von Workflow-Produkten; Standardisierung, WfMC
The Workflow Management Coalition, founded in August 1993, is a non-profit, international organisation of workflow vendors, users, analysts and university/research groups. The Coalitions mission is to promote and develop the use of workflow through the establishment of standards for software terminology, interoperability and connectivity between workflow products.
automation bpmi business coalition d interface management model procedures process reference standards wfmc workflow workflows
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpm business_process_management ecm standards verband workflow by 3 users
- Understanding the BPMN-XPDL-BPEL Value Chain
Artikel zu BPMN, XML/XPDL und BPEL von Nathaniel Palmer
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management ecms standards trends workflow xml by 2 users
- Understanding the BPMN-XPDL-BPEL Value Chain
Artikel über die Zusammenhänge zwischen BPMN, XML/XPDL und BPEL von Nathaniel Palmer
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management soa standards trends workflow xml by 2 users
- Victorian Electronic Records Strategy - Forever Digital / VERS 2
Records Management und Archivierungs-Standard "VERS" Version 2 Spec 4: neue Features des Standards einschließlich JPEG2000, PDF/A u.a.
in Public bookmarks with [en] metadaten preservation records_management standards by 2 users
- VOI Vorstandsmitglied positioniert sich gegen MoReq2
Artikel auf CIO.de: "EuroSox: Verband der ECM-Anbieter VOI bei MoReq2 skeptisch" | 23.06.2008
in Public bookmarks with [de] aiim article dlm dlm-forum euro-sox ibm kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 opentext project-consult records-management standards by 2 users
- W3C DOM Document Object Model
DOM: das W3C Document Object Model (allerdings nicht zu verwechseln mit dem "Dokument"-Begriff in der Textverarbeitung oder im Dokumentenmanagement)
in Public bookmarks with [en] article cms concept standards verband w3c xml by 11 users
- Welches ECM mein Unternehmen braucht
PC Welt | Business-Ticker | IT-Professionals | WebTV-Interview mit Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer zu aktuellen Themen von Enterprise Content Management ECM
in Public bookmarks with [de] beratung content_management dokumentenmanagement ecm ecm2.0 ecms enterprise_content_management interview project_consult standards trends by 2 users
- Welcome to the DITA XML.org Focus Area. |
DITA Standard der OASIS
in Public bookmarks with [en] cms community content_management dita ecm oasis soa standards web2.0 web_2.0 xml by 4 users
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