- Interoperable ECM iECM
Standardisierung und Interoperabitlität von ECM Lösungen, betrieben durch die AIIM
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm ecms soa standards verband
- A Hard Look at the Organizational Implications of BPM
Organisatorische Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Business Process Management. Artikel von Andrew Townley, Januar 2006
in Public bookmarks with [en] article bpm business_process_management collaboration project_management projektmanagement soa workflow by 2 users
- Comparing WS-BPEL 2.0 to Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
Loosely Coupled Thinking : Vergleich WS-BPEL 2.0 mit der Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) in VISTA
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management soa standards workflow by 2 users
- doXtop magazines: PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 2006
PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter zu CMS, ECM, DRT, DM, RM, KM usw. - Trends und Markt im Umfeld von Document Related Technologies
in Public bookmarks with [de] opensource output_management portal preservation project-consult project_management records_management rm search soa standards storage taxonomy trends ulrich_kampffmeyer wcm web2.0 wissensmanagement workflow by 2 users
- EMC’s Vision of ECM 2.0 « Word of Pie
EMC & ECM 2.0: Web 2.0, federated repository, SOA ... Meinung von PIE, Laurence Hart, auf "Word of Pie", 15.06.2007
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog consulting ecm ecm2.0 ecms emc soa trends web2.0 by 2 users
- Enterprise 2.0 und SOA
Sind SOA und Web 2.0 nur zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille? Artikel von Martina Goehring, März 2008, centrestage Blog
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog soa web2.0 web_2.0 by 2 users
- Enterprise Architecture: From Incite comes Insight...
Blog von James McGovern zu Themen von Enterprise Architecture: SOA, Security, ECM, EAI ... hübsche Bilder für Vorträge dabei
in Public bookmarks with [en] bi blog business_intelligence collaboration eai ecm ecms enterprise_application_integration open_source soa standards by 3 users
- Interoperable ECM iECM
Standardisierung und Interoperabitlität von ECM Lösungen, betrieben durch die AIIM
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm ecms enterprise_content_management soa standards verband by 2 users
- JSR 283: Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API Version 2.0
JSR 283: Content Repository, Nachfoger des JSR 170. Zwischenstand freigegeben am 30.10.2006.
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- Matt's SOA Blog
Blog von Matt Wright zu BPM, SOA Service oriented Architecture, BPEL und verwandten Themen
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog bpm business_process_management soa by 2 users
- MDA, SOA and BPM
MDA Model Driven Architecture; SOA Service Oriented Architecture, BPM Business Process Model; Blog
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- SOA - Expertenrat
Blog der ComputerWoche zu SOA Service Oriented Architecture
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog journal soa standards trends by 2 users
- SOA Best Practices: The BPEL Cookbook
Die Anwendung von BPEL in SOA Umgebungen aus der Sicht von Oracle
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management soa standards workflow by 2 users
- SOA, ESB & BPM Articles by LooselyCoupled
Artikel zu SOA, ESB, EAI, BPM etc.
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- Strategic SOA outpacing tactical Web services for ROI
Strategic SOA outpacing tactical Web services for ROI | Rich Seeley | 07.08.2007 | SearchWebServices.com
in Public bookmarks with [en] article concept soa trends web by 2 users
- The Merging of SOA and Web 2.0
The Merging of SOA and Web 2.0: Darryl K. Taft stellt das Zusammenwachsen so dar, dass Web 2.0 Anwendungen das Frontend für SOA Backbones wird. 15.07.2007
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog soa trends web web2.0 by 2 users
- Thoughts on ECM as a Service
SaaS for ECM Enterprise Content Management. Article by Alan Pelz-Sharpe, CMSWatch, 24.04.2007
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- Understanding the BPMN-XPDL-BPEL Value Chain
Artikel über die Zusammenhänge zwischen BPMN, XML/XPDL und BPEL von Nathaniel Palmer
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Web 2.0 Journal - Schwerpunkt auf AJAX
in Public bookmarks with [en] article blog forum journal newsletter open_source portal soa social_software socialsoftware trends web2.0 web3.0 web_2.0 web_3.0 xml by 4 users
- Welcome to the DITA XML.org Focus Area. |
DITA Standard der OASIS
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