- [EN] MoReq2 Certificate Verification Report | Fabasoft "Folio" | 31.07.2009
The company Fabasoft (http://www.fabasoft.com) from Austria is the first Records Management and Enterprise Content Management vendor to be certified for MoReq2 compliance. The product "Folio" version 9.0.3 passed the tests successfully in June and July 2009. The certificate was issued July 31st, 2009, by the accredited MoReq2 testcenter imbus AG (http://www.imbus.de) on behalf of the DLM Forum, The certificate covers all core modules with reference to the MoReq2 requirement chapters 3 to 9 as well several optional modules from MoReq2 requirements chapter 10: Management of physic (non-electronic) records, disposition of physical records, Document Management and Collaborative Working, Workflow, Casework, and Distributed systems.
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- [EN] OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009
OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009 | To retain credibility for its enterprise content management offering to regulated industries and government, Microsoft needs to acquire electronic document and records management (EDRM/RM) technology that has been certified to the ISO 15489 standard. Our research reports span the global software and IT services domain covering: strategic issues, technology and services, companies and markets.
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- [EN] PLANETS Market Survey
Needs and Challenges for Digital Preservation | May 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung markt planets preservation standards trends by 2 users
- [ES] Innova.doc Conference Barcelona 6.10.2009 - 7.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with [es] conference dlm erm moreq preservation records-management rm standards by 2 users
- [FR] [DE] [EN] ECM Enterprise Content Management | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 2006
ECM Enterprise Content Management. E-Book in drei Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT, 2006
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] [fr] archiving bpm business-process-management capture collaboration document-management ecm ecms enterprise-content-management kampffmeyer output-management preservation project-consult records-management rm ulrich-kampffmeyer workflow by 2 users
- [FR] [EN] DLM Forum Toulouse 2008
Actes de Colloques / Proceedings | Vol 2
in Public bookmarks with [en] [fr] archivierung article conference dlm dlm-forum kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 preservation records-management
- [FR] [EN] DLM Forum Toulouse 2008
Actes de Colloques / Proceedings | Vol 1
in Public bookmarks with [en] [fr] archivierung article conference dlm dlm-forum moreq moreq2 preservation records-management
- [RU] Закат эпохи неформалов - CIO
Закат эпохи неформалов, Автор: Елена Некрасова, Опубликовано 27 апреля 2009 года | Artikel zu Records Management in der russischen CIO
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- @rchivista
Archivista - spanischsprachiger Blog zur elektronischen Archivierung von Paco Fernández Cuesta
in Public bookmarks with [es] archivierung archiving preservation records_management standards trends by 2 users
- A tale of two ERMS specifications | ICA Flying Reporters @ the DLM forum
"A tale of two ERMS specifications" | The ICA Flying Reporters discuss the impact of the presentation of Ulrich Kampffmeyer "Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management, held at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008, 12.12.2008, in regard to the different standardisation activities of ICA and DLM Forum with MoReq2
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- AIIM Knowledge Center Blog | MoReq2 Roadshow in Germany
Ankündigung der MoReq2 Roadshow auf der AIIM Blog-Seite, 23.10.2007
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- AIIM unterstützt MoReq2-Initiativen
Pressemitteilung der AIIM Europe zur MoReq2 Roadshow im November 2007
in Public bookmarks with [de] aiim compliance conference dlm document_related_technologies drt ecm enterprise_content_management kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 preservation project_consult records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 2 users
- Apprivoiser MoReq
Apprivoiser MoReq ("Taming MoReq") | IALTA | Oktober 2007 | Französisch
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- arch.i.vi.us
Webseite zum Thema Archivierung und Digital Preservation
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- ArchiSafe
ArchiSafe - sichere Langzeitarchivierung. Webseite des Projektes bei der PTB Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving preservation standards by 2 users
- Archivage électronique sécurisé: état de l'art
Übersicht zum Stand der elektronischen Archivierung in Frankreich. http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/confiance/documents/Methodes/ArchivageSecurise-EtatDeLArt-2006-06-21.pdf
in Public bookmarks with [fr] archivierung archiving metadaten preservation records_management storage trends
- Archivage électronique sécurisé: état de l'art
Übersicht zum Stand der elektronischen Archivierung in Frankreich
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- Archives & Museum Informatics: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting 2007
Teaching Digital Curation: A Functional Approach |Bruce Fulton, Peter Botticelli, Jana Bradley | 2007
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving education preservation by 2 users
- Archivistica.net
Archivistica.net: ein spanischsprachiges Blog zum Thema Archivierung von María José Aldaz
in Public bookmarks with [es] archivierung archiving blog preservation trends by 2 users
- Ariadne Magazine
Online Plattform mit Artikeln und Newsletter für Bibliotheken (Schwerpunkt Digital Library) auch mit Beiträgen zum Thema Langzeitarchivierung (z.B. besonders Ausgabe 48)
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