- [DE] Programm Records Management Roadshow 2009 | www.MoReq2.de
Programm der Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Frankfurt 12.05.2009; München 14.05.2009 | Beiträge von AIIM, DGI, Humboldt Universität Berlin, IBM, Open Text, Iron Mountain, Saperion, SER Solutions, imbus | Vortragsprogramm
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- [DE] PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20090226
PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20090226 | Ausgabe zum 10jährigen Jubiläum | Texte in deutscher und englischer Sprache
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- [DE] Records Management Roadshow 2009 - Review | MoReq2.de
Review der Records Management & MoReq2 Roadshow Mai 2009 mit Beirägen von AIIM, DGI, PROJECT CONSULT, IBM, T-Systems, Iron Mountain Digital, SER, SAPERION und Open Text
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- [DE] Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Katalog Videoaufzeichnungen | RMF Christian Arend | Mai 2009
Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Katalog Videoaufzeichnungen | RMF Christian Arend | Mai 2009 | Multimedia-Vorträge mit Video, Folien, Audio synchronisiert | RichMediaCast | Vorträge bpn PROJECT CONSULT, IBM, AIIM, DGI e.V., Iron Mountain, Open text, SAPERION, SER und T-Systems
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- [DE] Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Multimedia-Dokumentation
Multimedia-Dokumentation der Records Management Roadshow 2009 von PROJECT CONSULT im Mai 2009 in Frankfurt und München. Hergestellt von der RichMediaFactory www.richmediafactory.com | Beiträge von AIIM, imbus, DGI, PROJECT CONSULT, IBM, Open Text, SAPERION, SER; T-Systems, Iron Mountain
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- [EN] 10 questions to spot a real ECM expert
10 questions to spot a real ECM expert | George Parapadakis | www.Informationzen.org | July 24, 2009
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- [EN] 10 Year Anniversary of the term ECM Enterprise Content Management
www.Informationzen.org | September 2009
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- [EN] 17 presentations about ECM, ERM a.s.o. by AIIM
John Mancini, AIIM: 17 presentations to watch | July 2009
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- [EN] 8 Reasons Why GoogleWave May (or May Not) Kill E-Mail | AIIM
Claude Baudoin | 8 Reasons Why GoogleWave May (or May Not) Kill E-Mail | AIIM | Digital Landfill | 30.11.2009 | 1 – Google Wave does away with communication and collaboration silos. | 2 – Persistence. | 3 – Gadgets. | 4 – Wave is social. | 5 – Wave is complex. | 6 – Security and confidentiality concerns. | 7 – You don’t need Wave to kill e-mail! | 8 – Old habits die hard. || See as well George Parapadakis "Google Wave killed the ECM Star"
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim collaboration ecm email google markt trends wave by 2 users
- [EN] 8 reasons you need a strategy for managing information | AIIM
8 reasons you need a strategy for managing information - before it is too late | AIIM | John Mancini | document management records management email management ECM E 2.0 collaboration scanning imaging | AIIM Book, 95 pages. | 1. A tidal wave of information 2. Ubiquitous computing 3. Social everything 4. Collaboration without governance is a disaster 5. The era of simplicity 6. The Tree-Hugger's Time Has Come 7. You can no longer do this manually 8. Mismanagement risks are rising
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- [EN] 8 Responses to 8 things to consider when looking at ECM consultants
"8 Responses to 8 things to consider when looking at ECM consultants" by Sanooj Kutty, July 29, 2009 (original post by John Klein July 28, 200 on http://aiim.typepad.com/aiim_blog/2009/07/8-things-to-consider-when-looking-at-ecm-consultants.html by AIIM)
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog consulting ecm enterprise-content-management project_management by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Things You Need to Know About Preservation of e-Documents for Litigation and Regulatory Investigations | AIIM | 31.08...
8 Things You Need to Know About Preservation of e-Documents for Litigation and Regulatory Investigations | John Okonkwo | AIIM Digital Landfill | 31.08.2009 | As regulators and courts increasingly exercise their oversight powers, it can be expected that they will hold organisations accountable to explain the evaluations which underpin their ESI (Electronically Stored Information) preservation protocols. The business impact of this heightened level of regulatory and judicial scrutiny is that enterprises which ignore the ESI preservation risks inherent in local and remote working, as well as the management of employee Web 2.0 communications do so at their peril. Since over 93% of enterprise records are electronic, and the volume and mix of data types is ex...
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim compliance ediscovery trends by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Things You Need to Know to Build an ECM Strategy | AIIM
Chris Walker | Eight Things You Need to Know to Build an ECM Strategy | AIIM | Digital Landfill | 14.06.2009 | In my opinion the single most important element to building a strategy is commitment. I’m talking about the type of commitment you make when you jump out of a plane. Not that I’m suggesting ECM is like skydiving; if skydiving goes wrong the pain doesn’t last.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm enterprise-content-management strategy by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Ways SharePoint Helps in Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance | AIIM
8 Ways SharePoint Helps in Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance | AIIM Blog Digital Landfill | 29.11.2009 | Thomas Bahr & Michael Neumann | BearingPoint |
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- [EN] 8 Ways Sharepoint moves toward ECM for the Masses | AIIM Digital Landfill | Andy Hopkins | 14.12.2009
8 Ways Sharepoint moves toward ECM for the Masses | ECM has not arrived with the "masses". In Germany we didn't reach even the IT managers or CIOs. There are now several initiaves starting to spread the "news" and educate about ECM - ECM jetzt! by ECM Allianz Deutschland, ECM initiative by ComputerWoche, ECM lounges by XING. But I believe, we need a general paradigm change - ECM for the masses incorporate ECM on mobile devices, ECM for your home devices, ECM for SMEs, ECM as basic infrastructure everywhere. Sharepoint is a market driver but Sharepoint is not everything. Sharepoint helps to open the market, but in fact Sharepoint is no ECM as defined by AIIM but an integration and collaboration platform using several functionalities which are related to E...
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- [EN] AIIM "What is ECM" contest | One-Minute-Videos from September 18th
AIIM Digital Landfill | Check out the Infonomics magazine "What is ECM?" contestants ... 1 minute minute to explain ECM and to demonstrate the benefits of using ECM
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- [EN] AIIM | "8 Things" - the complete reading list | 20.11.2009
List with all links to all existing "8 Things" articles and books by AIIM about ECM and related topics plus an outlook to the next volume about Sharepoint | Facebook | 20.11.2009
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- [EN] AIIM | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations
AIIM | Digital Landfill | 12.10.2009 | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations | John Mancini
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- [EN] AIIM Essentials | MoReq2 training course
“AIIM Essentials” online training course about MoReq2 | Marc Fresko
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Homepage
The new DLM Forum website was launched on 9.9.2009. It contains information about the organisation, goals, events, publications a.s.o. One focus is on MoReq and MoReq2
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