RTSC Dawn of War Game Guide Real Time Strategic Carnage's (RTSC) Dawn of War mod's section. This is a list of mods and total convesions for Relic's excellent RTS based on Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. DoW Mods usually add extra armies and forces that exist on the tabletops (and there are many), but didn't appear in the RTS game. Real Time Strategic Carnage's (RTSC) Dawn of War mod's section. This is a list of mods and total convesions for Relic's excellent RTS based on Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. DoW Mods usually add extra armies and forces that exist on the tabletops (and there are many), but didn't appear in the RTS game. 000basiccarnagedawndowgameguidemicromoraleoverwatchingrealresourcingrtscsquadsstrategictierstimewarwarhammer in Juegos > DoW Dark Crusadewith barracarpetacrusadedarkdowjuegosmarcadoresreal