- “Brain Pacemaker” Could Treat Depression
New research points to a device that could potentially treat severe depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. The so-called “brain pacemaker” is implanted in the chest with wire leads that send electrical impulses deep into the brain. A full clinical trial of the device is scheduled for later this year.
in Public bookmarks with brain depression health medicine ocd
Note: “Brain Pacemaker” Could Treat Depression
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You can view all the great videos from AnswersTV on their YouTube channel too! Check it out.
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- Lack of Sunlight Can Trigger Depression
Do the sunless, grey days of winter make you feel depressed, run-down, or lethargic? Around this time of year, thousands of people find that they suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.
in Public bookmarks with depression disorder health sunlight
- Learn how Obesity Affects the Body
Excellent in depth video about how obesity affects the body.
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Note: Learn how Obesity Affects the Body
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AnswersTV is the go-to source for lifestlye programming. Produced in HD and available on demand, offing a wide range of original, interactive, know how content that informs and entertains.
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Note: Pick a Channel and Start Watching!
- Real Savvy Moms and JuicyJuice Team up for Exclusive Webcast
Real Savvy Moms and Juicy Juice have teamed up for an exclusive webcast on child nutrition, on Tuesday October 7th. There is limited space, so sign up now before all spots are taken.
in Public bookmarks with child food health juice juicy moms motherhood parenting by 2 users
- Snoring – It’s More Than Just Noise
Snoring can be a nuisance, but did you know it can also impact your health? “I would quit breathing many times at night,” says Jane Stoller. Jane suffers from a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea.
in Public bookmarks with apnea health sleep snoring
Note: Snoring – It’s More Than Just Noise
- Your Nutrition ABC's
HD video on nutrition, covering the right foods and nutrients to keep your body and mind in optimal condition.
in Public bookmarks with food health nutrition
- CANCER 'LINKS' - New York Post
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