Ajax login Users often encounter situations when they want to perform an action on a web site and get redirected to login page. Application’s task is to take care of performing the requested action right after user’s successful log in. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphpprogramming
Create your own Ajax effects The basic and prebuilt effects in script.aculo.us are nice, but if you really want to build something great why not investigate doing your own, homegrown, do-it-yourself effects. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphptutorial
Create Your Own Ajax Effects The basic and prebuilt effects in script.aculo.us are nice, but if you really want to build something great why not investigate doing your own, homegrown, do-it-yourself effects. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphptutorial
JavaScript Programming Patterns JavaScript is meant to be used to add behaviour to a website, might it be for form validation or for more complex operations like drag & drop functionality or performing asynchronous requests to the webserver (aka Ajax). in Public bookmarkswith ajaxjavascriptphptutorials
PHP Redirect Tutorial A PHP Redirect automatically transfers a web user from one URL to another. For example, typing foo.com in the browser automatically transfers the user to another URL bar.com. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphptutorialsby 2 users
Sajax Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework G?‡?¶ also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting G?‡?¶ as easy as possible. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphptutorialby 3 users
Simple AJAX chat in PHP Over at the .NET Butchering (and JAVA messes) blog they have posted a very good tutorial on creating a Chat application in PHP using Ajax. In Web 2.0 social applications chat is very often a desired feature. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxchatphpby 2 users
W3 Validator, DOM, byteson and PHP I've uploaded a new byteson example page, based on a single and simple request to a PHP page that uses W3 Validator service, calling a SOAP result, parse them to convert it into an associative array and finally send it with JSON to byteson. in Public bookmarkswith ajaxphp