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  • audioyo
    AUDIOYO aims to be a music social network where people can meet and share their music interest. Create Playlists and share with friends and add to other social networks like Myspace, Facebook and so on.
    in Public bookmarks with network web2.0
  • Netlog
    On Netlog, you can create your own account with pictures, blogs, a guestbook, and much more. You can find people from your area, expand your friends network, or find people having the same interests as you.
    in Public bookmarks with network web2.0
  • tabber
    You can use Tabber to manage your contacts, look up an address, or watch live information about your contact as they update it. Tabber is here to organize your social life, and make it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.
    in Public bookmarks with network web2.0

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