- [DE] Was ist EIM Enterprise Information Management ?
[DE] Was ist EIM Enterprise Information Management ? #EIM auf ein paar Folien Entstehung, Definition und Komponenten von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer zusammengefasst: http://bit.ly/EIM-Definition "EIM Enterprise Information Management erfasst, verwaltet, nutzt, steuert, stellt bereit und bewahrt ganzheitlich und übergreifend alle Formen von Informationen ohne Unterschied des Formates, der Quelle, des ursprünglichen Erzeugers, von Ort, Device, Medium und Zeit, und unabhängig vom ursprünglichen Nutzungsmodell."
in Public bookmarks with [de] consult content definition ecm eim enterprise entwicklung information kampffmeyer komponenten management project ulrich
- [DE] Wie steht es um ECM? Review einer Diskussion auf XING
[DE] Wie steht es um ECM? Review einer Diskussion auf XING | Was kommt nach ECM? | Seit 6 Wochen läuft die Diskussion in der XING-Gruppe Information & Document Management zum Thema "Ist der aktuelle ECM-Ansatz noch zeitgemäß?" (http://bit.ly/ECMnext). Persiflierend könnte man sagen, der aktuelle - NEIN -, der ursprüngliche Ansatz - JA -. Lässt man die Diskussion der letzten Wochen einmal Revue passieren, so zeigen sich drei verschiedene Schwerpunkte: [1] die Kräfte, die ECM verändern und erweitern; [2] die Bedeutung von ECM für die Branche selbst; und [3] Nutzen und Wichtigkeit des Themas ECM für Anwender.
in Public bookmarks with [de] beerdigung business consult content diskussion document ecm ecmnext enterprise erm information it kampffmeyerr management nextecm project trends ulrich xing
- [EN] AIIM World Paper Free Day | #WPFD | October 25th, 2012 | LinkedIn
AIIM World Paper Free Day | #WPFD | October 25th, 2012 |
#WPFD World Paper Free Day is an initiative by AIIM international. It is to create awareness for seamless electronic communication and information management - "use paper for better purposes"!
This year World Paper Free Day is for the 3rd time. #WPFD is mainly a virtual event, so you can celebrate and support it at your office, at home, in your holidays, everywhere. Just do not copy, print and fax paper. And join the various event web pages and real life events. | Please post your support for #WPFD on Twitter, Facebook, in your own blog, XING, LinkedIn, Slideshare, Youtube ... and join the various event pages! Please invite all your friends to join and publish the message!
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim consult content day ecm enterprise free kampffmeyer linkedin management office paper paperfree paperless project ulrich world wpfd
- [EN] AIIM: Information Management Training Courses updated
AIIM: Information Management Training Courses updated | SharePoint for ECM - Learn best practices for sharing and managing information on the SharePoint platform | Social Media Governance - Learn how to take control of your social business assets | Capture - Learn best practices for capturing and managing information | Enterprise Content Management (ECM) -
Learn how to take control of your information assets | SharePoint for Collaboration - Learn how to use SharePoint 2010 as a collaboration platform | Business Process Management (BPM) - Learn how to improve your business processes | Electronic Records Management (ERM) - Learn how to take control of your electronic records | Taxonomy and Metadata - Learn how to optimize navigation, information discover...
in Public bookmarks with capture certification certified cip collaboration compliance consult ecm germany information kampffmeyer management master practitioner professional project records rm specialist ulrich
- [EN] Business Leader Interview: Ulrich Kampffmeyer, CEO, PROJECT CONSULT | Document Boss
[EN] Business Leader Interview: Ulrich Kampffmeyer, CEO, PROJECT CONSULT | Document Boss | John Symon and Geert Kruiter caught up with Dr. Uli Kampffmeyer, Managing Director of PROJECT CONSULT, to hear his insights on the changing market dynamics of this sector, the key issues facing end-users and the challenges and opportunities facing the traditional "ECM" vendor community over the next 2-3 years.
in Public bookmarks with [en] boss business cebit ceo consult content deutschland document ecm eim enterprise germany information interview kampffmeyer leader management project ulrich
- [EN] Digital Vortex | Study 2015
[EN] Digital Vortex - How Digital Disruption Is Redefining Industries | Global Center for Digital Business Transformation | IMD | Cisco | 2015 | Digital disruption has the potential to overturn incumbents and reshape markets faster than perhaps any force in history. | The results of our survey surfaced several troubling findings about the potential for disruption, and incumbents’ readiness to adapt. Survey respondents believe an average of roughly four of today’s top 10 incumbents (in terms of market share) in each industry will be displaced by digital disruption in the next five years.
in Public bookmarks with 2015 [en] business center cisco consult digital digitalisierung digitisation for global imd kampffmeyer project study transformation ulrich vortex
- [EN] Lexmark acquires Claron Technology | #ECM
Lexmark acquires Claron Technology | XAMCOR | #ECM | Acquisition enables Perceptive Software to further expand its medical content management strategy. Lexmark International, Inc. (NYSE: LXK) today announced the acquisition of Toronto-based Claron Technology, Inc. (Claron), a leading provider of medical image viewing, distribution, sharing and collaboration software technology. Lexmark paid a cash purchase price of approximately $37 million, which was funded entirely with Lexmark’s non U.S.-based cash.
in Public bookmarks with [en] akquisition claron consult content e-health ecm enterprise health kampffmeyer kauf lexmark management markt perceptive project trends ulrich übernahme
- [EN] Mike2 | OpenMethodology.org
[EN] Mike2 | OpenMethodology.org | Part of the AIIM ECM Master Training Program at PROJECT CONSULT | The MIKE2.0 Methodology has been built to support our belief that information really is one of the most crucial assets of a business. We believe meaningful, cost-effective Business and Technology processes can only be achieved with a successful approach for managing information Management that we call Information Development.
in Public bookmarks with [en] change compliance consult dms ecm eim governance information kampffmeyer maangement management methode methodolgy mike2 mike2zero open project ulrich
- [EN] OpenText acquires IGC Informative Graphics Corporation | #ECM
[EN] OpenText acquires IGC Informative Graphics Corporation | #ECM | IGC's solutions help users view, annotate, redact and publish commercial software. The Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company has partnered with Waterloo, ON-based OpenText for more than a decade. The acquisition is another peg in OpenText's promise to invest about $3 billion in acquisitions over the next four years (we're one year in on the original five-year promise now). Barrenechea made that promise in a conference call with investors about this time last year. Having already developed 250 joint customers and more than 300,000 seats of Brava! for OpenText Content Server, OpenText can now extend the reach of IGC offerings to more OpenText customers globally, officials say.
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition brava brava! content corporation ecm eim enterprise graphics igc information informative kampffmeyer management open opentext project text ulrich
- [EN] The paper free toilet & the paper free office
The paperless loo is here, the paperless office is next to come | Seitdem es das papierlose Klo gibt, gibt es auch keine Argumente mehr gegen das papierlose Büro | #WPFD World Paper Free Day | 25.10.2012
in Public bookmarks with büro consult dokumentenmanagement ecm elektronische feree free image kampffmeyer klo loo medienbruch medienbruchfrei paper papierfreies project prozesse toilet ulrich wpfd
- [EN] World Paper Free Day | Oct. 27th, 2011 | John Mancini | AIIM | Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with 2011 27th [en] day free john kampffmeyer mancini october paper slideshare ulrich word world wpfd
- [FR] La norme AFNOR ZF Z42-013 SEA Systemes Electronique d'Archivage est transformée en ISO 14641-1
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | XING | 17.01.2012 | La norme française AFNOR NF Z42-013, spécification des SAE Systèmes d’Archivage Electronique,était acceptée comme ISO 14641-1 Electronic archiving -- Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation. La norme est publiée (ISO/FDIS etait changé a 60/60). La norme NF Z 42-013 énonce un ensemble de spécifications de l'AFNOR concernant les mesures techniques et organisationnelles à mettre en œuvre pour l'enregistrement, le stockage et la restitution de documents électroniques afin d'en assurer la conservation et l'intégrité.
in Public bookmarks with 14641-1 [fr] afnor archiv archivage archivierung consult digital iso kampffmeyer norm preservation project standards ulrich xing z42-013 zf
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