- [DE] AIIM #ECMjam No. 4 am 1.9.2011, 17:00 MEZ | ECM & Mobile
Am 1. September, also mit einer Woche Verzögerung in der normalen 14tägigen Abfolge, findet der 4. ECMjam statt. Auf Twitter ab 11 am EST dem Hashtag #ECMjam folgen. | [DE] AIIM #ECMjam No. 4 am 1.9.2011, 17:00 MEZ | ECM & Mobile | Dieses Mal geht es um "ECM & Mobile". Mobile Devices, Apps, Smartphones, Tablets, usw. verändern unsere Nutzungsmodelle für Information und Kommunikation. Traditionelles ECM wirkt dagegen schon fast altbacken.
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- Steve Jobs | 1955 - 2011 | www.nytimes.com
Steven P. Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple who helped usher in the era of personal computers and then led a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age, died Wednesday. He was 56. The death was announced by Apple, the company Mr. Jobs and his high school friend Stephen Wozniak started in 1976 in a suburban California garage.
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