- [DE] [EN] [FR] [ES] Information & Document Management | XING group
XING group on ILM Information Lifecycle Management, Social Business, ECM Enterprise Content Management, KM Knowledge Management & Wissensmanagement, Elektronische Archivierung & Speichersysteme, BPM Business Process Management & Geschäftsprozessmanagement, DM Dokumentenmanagement, RM Records Management & Aktenverwaltung. Collaboration & Groupware, WCM Web Content Management, Capture, Input Management und Informationserfassung, Output Management, MAM Media Asset Management / DAM Digital Asset Management, EIM Enterprise Information Management, Elektronische & digitale Signatur, Workflow, DRT Document Related Technologies & Dokumenten-Technologien
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] [es] [fr] archivierung dms document document-management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement dokumentenmanagementsystem ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management ilm information information_management management scanning
- [DE] Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Information Management | Vereon Entscheiderforum | Zürich | 01.06.2010
Vortrag "Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Information Management" | Vereon Entscheiderforum "Information Management zwischen Inhouse und Cloud" | Zürich | 01.06.2010 | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung cloud ecm eim google iaas ibm imported information_management inhouse kampffmeyer microsoft paas preservation project-consult saas sharepoint sicherheit trends
- [DE] Gartner-Prognose: 7 Projekte, die CIOs umsetzen müssen | CIO.de | 23.11.2010
Gartner-Prognose: 7 Projekte, die CIOs umsetzen müssen | Andreas Schaffry | 23.11.2010 | Besseres Alignment zum Business, schnellere Informationsflüsse, Context-Aware Computing - diese Themen werden in den nächsten drei Jahren ein Muss für CIOs.
in Public bookmarks with [de] gartner imported information_management itk markt trends
- [EN] AIIM Industry Watch | State of the ECM Industry 2010
AIIM Industry Watch | State of the ECM Industry 2010 | May 2010 | The AIIM State of the Industry survey has been tracking business drivers, adoption levels and ROI across the ECM technology spectrum for over 5 years. Compare and contrast your organization’s adoption strategies, implementation issues and ROI factors with those of the AIIM community at large. Is the main ECM driver cost-saving, compliance or collaboration? Are emails a headache for everyone or just you - and what about Enterprise 2.0? Is SharePoint working with or against existing ECM suites? What are other people’s views on SaaS, Cloud or Open Source? How are other organizations joining up their multiple repositories?
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] aiim association cloud collaboration compliance ecm email enterprise-content-management grc imported information_management markt opensource saas sharepoint standards trends whitepaper
- [EN] XING Group "Information + Document Management" | Newsletter December 2011
[EN] #XING Group "Information + Document Management" | #Newsletter December 2011 #ECM #EIM
in Public bookmarks with [en] dms document_management drukff ecm enterprise_content_management imported information_management newsletter project_consult ulrich_kampffmeyer xing
information_management from all users