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  • Tom Bihn
    The Archetype Molded Cork Laptop Case by: TOM BIHN
    in Shopping with case computer laptop notebook protection
    World Society for the Protection of Animals -- Mission: To unite an informed, global animal welfare movement that helps and protects animals and creates a climate for change, leading to enforced legislation that transforms animals' lives. We want people around the world to connect with WSPA to promote compassion to animals, to speak for them and foster understanding of their needs. Through our collaborative projects WSPA is Campaigning Against Cruelty by exposing animal abuse and enforcing stronger laws; our Animal Rescue teams are working to save abandoned or neglected animals or those stricken by disasters; and by changing hearts and minds amongst people living and working with animals, WSPA is forging a safer future for all animals.
    WSPA, a global animal welfare charity provides free veterinary clinics, support for local humane societies, establishment of wildlife sanctuaries, campaigns to end animal cruelty, and relief for animals in disaster areas.
    in Organizations with animals protection world-wide by 2 users

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