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  • Grist
    Environmental news and commentary We exist to tell the untold stories, spotlight trends before they become trendy, and engage the apathetic. We're fiercely independent in our coverage; we throw brickbats when they're needed and bestow kudos when they're warranted. And while we take our work seriously, we don't take ourselves seriously, because of the many things this planet is running out of, sanctimonious tree-huggers ain't one of them. Grist is based in the Emerald City of Seattle, in the Evergreen State of Washington (see the green theme?), with contributors scattered the world 'round. We are a nonprofit organization funded by foundation grants, reader contributions, and just a touch of advertising. Grist: it's gloom and doom with a sense of humor. So l
    Provides environmental news, commentary, and advice with humor.
    in News with advice blog cartoons environment grist journalism news by 5 users

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