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  • mysql - Export list of pretty permalinks and post title - Stack Overflow
    SELECT wpp.post_title, wpp.guid, wpp.post_date, CONCAT(wpo_su.option_value, REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE(wpo.option_value,'%year%',date_format(wpp.post_date,'%Y')) ,'%monthnum%',date_format(wpp.post_date,'%m')) ,'%day%',date_format(wpp.post_date,'%d')) ,'%postname%',wpp.post_name ) ) as permalink FROM wp_posts wpp INNER JOIN wp_options wpo on wpo.option_name='permalink_structure' and wpo.blog_id=0 INNER JOIN wp_options wpo_su on wpo_su.option_name='siteurl' and wpo_su.blog_id=wpo.blog_id WHERE wpp.post_type = 'post' AND wpp.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY wpp.post_date DESC
    in Public bookmarks with database inner join permalink wordpress
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    A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
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