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  • BRINGO - Stop Talking to Machines and Talk to a Real Human
    Stop Talking to Machines and Talk to a Real Human BRINGO cuts through all of that so you don't have to. That's right, BRINGO has conquered phone trees. Here's how it works: 1. Find the company you'd like to call by category (credit cards, mortgages, loans, health care) 2. Enter your phone # (we will never disclose your phone number to anyone, not even your mother!). 3. Wait a few seconds while we navigate the phone tree. 4. When we call you back, pick up your phone and you're done. No more phone trees.
    NoPhoneTrees - learn how to skip phone trees and connect with US companies on the phone immediately.
    cheat ivr nophonetrees phone sheet trees
    in Retail with human machines real talk by 6 users

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