- Archive @ New York University
Welcome to the digital archive of faculty research at New York University! The Faculty Digital Archive is a place where full-time NYU faculty can deposit their work in digital form. For more information on this new service, faculty can e-mail queries to archive.help@nyu.edu.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- Deep Blue at the University of Michigan
Deep Blue is the University of Michigan's permanent, safe, and accessible service for representing our rich intellectual community. Its primary goal is to provide access to the work that makes Michigan a leader in research, teaching, and creativity.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- DSpace at Rice University
RUDR is Rice's institutional repository, a web site where the university's intellectual output is shared, managed, searched, and preserved. Most materials come from Rice faculty members' research, electronic theses and dissertations, and digitized collections of rare or unique books, images, musical performances, and manuscripts. RUDR runs on DSpace, an open source software package.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- Humboldt Digital Scholar
Welcome to Humboldt Digital Scholar (HDS), a service provided by the Humboldt State University Library. This digital archive collects and provide persistent and reliable access to the research and scholarship of faculty, staff, and students of Humboldt State.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with institutional respository
- IDEALS @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS) is a set of collections and related services that together constitute the campus institutional repository. IDEALS aims to complement traditional scholarly publishing. The IDEALS service preserves and provides persistent and reliable access to the digital works of faculty, staff, and students to give them the greatest possible recognition. IDEALS centralizes the twin goals of access and preservation, as do other institutional repositories, to provide the maximal campus commitment toward achieving these ends.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository by 2 users
NTIS Technical Reports Server (Full-text, Selected) [U.S. government-sponsored research reports] Coverage: varies, but selected full-text reports from 1990’s to present. As of July 2006, nearly comprehensive coverage for selected U.S. government agencies.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- Scholars Archive @ Oregon State University
This digital service of the OSU Libraries provides a permanent means for faculty members to store their research and teaching output, for students to do the same with their research, to make the information widely available and for the institution to maintain its historical record.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with institutional respository
- Texas Digital Library Repository
The TDL Repository is composed of collections digitally archived by the five Association of Research Libraries (ARL) universities in the state of Texas. The TDL Repository serves to preserve and promote the research output of Texas, including electronic theses and dissertations, faculty datasets, departmental databases, digital archives, course management and learning materials, digital media, and other special collections.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- The Knowledge Bank at Ohio State University
The Knowledge Bank is a joint initiative of the University Libraries and the Office of the CIO.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with institutional respository
- The University of Kansas's ScholarWorks
KU ScholarWorks is a digital repository for scholarly work created by the faculty and staff of the University of Kansas. KU ScholarWorks makes important research available to a wider audience and helps assure its long-term preservation. Faculty at KU are encouraged to deposit their scholarly work; see the Resolution on Access to Scholarly Information Passed by the KU University Council. Contact us for further information kuscholarworks@ku.edu
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional respository
- University of New Mexico
This site is a digital archive for The University of New Mexico's research and creative works. It's an open access tool for collecting, disseminating, and preserving the intellectual output of the UNM community. This is a small part of all of UNM's research. Check the University Libraries and the Health Science Library and Informatics Center for more collections.
in University Institutional Respository System > North America with dspace institutional ir respository
respository from all users