- Business, Biography, Current Events, Self-Help, Memoir, Lifestyle Reviews – Publishers Weekly
Reviews of business, biography, current events, self-help, memoir, and lifestyle books.
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- Front Matter in Book Design - Parts of Book Design Front Matter Pages
So called because it is all the material that appears at the front of the book, before you reach the actual body content, the front matter may be as simple as a single title page or table of contents or it could be comprised of multiple title pages, a detailed table of contents, and several pages for the preface and foreword.
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- Pubnet.org -- About Us
Pubnet is a leading publishing industry e-commerce exchange, allowing more than 3,000 distributors, bookstores and other retailers to place electronic orders (POs), and receive back order acknowledgements (POAs), invoices, and advance shipping notices (ASNs) through standardized electronic methods.
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