Cardiac Basic Physiology Basic Cardiovascular Physiology This section is a review of some basic tenets of cardiovascular physiology which are relevant to invasive cardiac monitoring. How these principles apply to the specific catheters will be discussed on other pages in greater detail.Some Basic Review:Circulatory System: The circulatory system consists of the heart, the blood vessels, (arteries, arterioles, and blood) and its purpose is to carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues in the body, and t in Cardiac Physiologywith basiccardiaccardiovascularphysiologyreviewsectionsomebasictenets
Max Planck Society - Max-Planck-Portal The Max Planck Institutes perform basic research in the natural sciences, life sciences, and social sciences in the interestof the general public. In particular, the Max Planck Society takes up new and innovative research areas. Website of the Max Planck Society, Germany's most successful scientific research organization. Since its establishment in 1948, no fewer than 17 Nobel laureates have emerged from the ranks of its scientists, putting it on a par with the best and most prestigious research institutions worldwide. The more than 13,000 publications each year in internationally renowned scientific journ in Science Theory Paradigmswith basicinstitutesmaxparadigmsperformplancksciencetheory