100 (Non-Design) Blogs that Every Web Designer Should Read If you’re a web designer, chances are you’re already well aware of the many great design blogs out there. But know that there’s great information to be found even outside the confines of the web design blog bubble. Take a look at these 100 non-design blogs that have a lot to offer web designers. with blogsdesignerswebby 2 users Note: 100 (Non-Design) Blogs that Every Web Designer Should Read
Oily Skin Treatment Products Living in a hot and humid environment can be really harsh on the skin, especially your face. Summer is when you should be taking extra care of your skin to minimize your chances for breakouts. Sometimes you may have to pay a little extra for a product that works, but it's sure worth it. with careoilyskin
The New iPhone 4 is Not So Great After All Have you been hearing all of the complaints about the new iPhone 4? This is not looking good for Apple. Many customers are complaining about dropped calls, especially when the phone is held in the left hand. Isn't that pretty crazy? It has something to do with the iPhone 4 bottom-left corner touching your skin. with 4appleiphonenewstechnology
Want your website or blog linked to on Bobby Valentino's MySpace page? If you post a review for Bobby Valentino's new Album "Come with Me" (OUT NOW on itunes) on your music or blog website (no MySpace pages) only .coms. Send the link to your website with the album review or album news to stayondeck@gmail.com and it will get linked on Bobby Valentino's MySpace page. It may take some time to go through all the responses but as long as you send a link to the review and it is on a blog site or .com music site it will be linked!! with blogbobbyvbobbyvalentinochachafancecomewithmemusicmyspacewebsite