- Quiz
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- Sakai
Sakai: Collaboration and Learning Environment for Education
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- Section 508 The Road to Accessibility
Section508.gov is a resource for information on Section 508 of the Disablities Act. The website also contains a searchable database of accessible products by supporting vendors. This portion of the site, called Buy Accessible, offers an online resource for vendors to post information on accessible products and for buyers to research accessible products.
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- Seven things you should know about podcasting
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Podcasting with 6703 courses edui podcasting seven things week
- Skype
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Chat with 6703 chat courses edui skype week by 48 users
- Survey
Skapa och lägg upp webbenkäter på några få minuter och se grafiska resultat i realtid. SurveyMonkey tillhandahåller gratis frågeformulär på webben och enkätmjukvara.
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- Surweb
Changing the nature of education - SURWEB allows people to create multimedia presentations in minutes using images, sounds and movies provided by SURWEB or other digital sources.
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- SWiSH Max
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Create Flash Animations, Video, Slideshows or Complete Websites using 100 Designer Templates. Includes 250 Effects, Components and Video Controls.
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- Sync2It
Basic Concepts
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Bookmarking with 6703 basic bookmarking concepts courses edui week by 2 users
- Talk City
Talk City is a network of member-owned chat rooms dealing with a wide range of topics and interests. Participage for free, or sign up for advanced features or room ownership with one of our subscription plans.
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- Tapped In
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Chat > Community with 6703 chat community courses edui tapped week
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in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Virtual Office with 6703 courses edui office tapped virtual week by 4 users
- Test Board
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 3 > Writing Tools with 6703 board courses edui test tools week writing
- The Best Search Engines
Features of recommended search engines in table format.
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- The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005
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- The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2006 (Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog)
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- The Big Picture
There's plenty of advice out there telling not to make your pictures and graphics too large, but what does 'too large' mean, especially when it come to email or a web page? Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and talk actual file sizes.
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- The Concept Mapping Home Page
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- The Deep Web
in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Power Searching with 6703 courses edui power searching web week by 2 users
- The eLearning Guild
The eLearning Guild is a community of practice for designers, developers, and managers of eLearning.
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in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 3 > Course Management Systems with 6703 courses edui elearning guild management systems week
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