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  • Worldwatch Institute
    The Worldwatch Institute offers a unique blend of interdisciplinary research, global focus, and accessible writing that has made it a leading source of information on the interactions among key environmental, social, and economic trends. Our work revolves around the transition to an environmentally sustainable and socially just society—and how to achieve it.
    with sustainability by 14 users
  • Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie : Fact or Hype?
    An analysis by National Geographics
    with sustainability
  • Amis de la Terre
    Pour des sociétés durables au Nord comme au Sud
    Nous œuvrons pour des sociétés durables au Nord comme au Sud dans lesquelles : Les besoins fondamentaux des générations présentes soient (...)Coûts de froid pour les agrocarburants, Montreuil, le 2 février 2012 - Une nouvelle (...),Pour Sylvain Angerand des Amis de la Terre, « la semaine dernière, le rapport de la Cour des (...)
    with sustainability by 2 users
  • Appropedia
    The sustainability wiki. Appropedia is the site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development
    with energy sustainability by 4 users
  • Avaneya - The Story
    with games linux
  • Cool Earth Action
    Protecting the rain forests
    Cool Earth is a unique charity that is saving the world’s most endangered rainforest from the ground-up by working hand in hand with local communities.
    carbon change climate deforestation emissions tropical
    with sustainability by 3 users
  • Ekopedia
    Ekopedia est un projet d'encyclopédie pratiquedont l'objectif est de recenser, définir et expliquer les techniques alternatives de vie. Ceci, avec pour but premier de nous permettre de vivre d'une manière plus autonome et respectueuse de l'environnement. L'encyclopédie est écrite coopérativement et son contenu est librement réutilisable (sous licence Art libre).
    with sustainability
  • Green Economics
    The Green Economics Institute is at the forefront in helping institutions and individuals find the solutions to the current crisis which will bring long term and real prosperity to people, nature and the planet and its systems.
    with economics sustainability
  • Pacte écologique de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot
    with sustainability
  • StopGlobalWarming
    The Stop Global Warming Virtual March is a US non-partisan effort to bring citizens together to declare that global warming is here now and that it is time to demand solutions
    with sustainability usa
  • TreeHugger
    Our environment is currently facing huge obstacles that have the potential to seriously disrupt our future and the future of all our fellow flora and fauna friends. Keeping that in mind, TreeHugger also sympathizes with the fact that most people aren’t willing to compromise their current lifestyle in order to improve our shared environment, so we have created a place where you can discover how to maintain or improve your quality of life while reducing your harmful impact on the earth. TreeHugger is helping the masses get hooked on sustainability.
    with sustainability by 34 users
  • Tribu-covoiturage
    Partage de trajets - co-voiturage en France
    with co-voiturage
  • Noolithic
    Par Emmanuel Delanoy, un spécialiste du management de projets originaux, innovants, de la conduite du changement ou de la gestion des compétences. Accompagne entreprises, collectivités et associations sur le chemin du développement durable ...
    with sustainability

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