Google Accessible Search Accessible Search is an early Google Labs product designed to identify and prioritize search results that are more easily usable by blind and visually impaired users. Regular Google search helps you find a set of documents that is most relevant to your tasks. Accessible Search goes one step further by helping you find the most accessible pages in that result set. Google Web Search With Results Optimized For Visually Impaired And Blind Users blindgoogleimpairedsearchusersvisuallyweb in search > googlewith accessabilitygooglelabssearchby 3 users
Google Audio Indexing Search what the politicians are saying ... Search what people are saying inside YouTube videos. Google Audio Indexing uses speech technology to find spoken words inside videos and lets you jump to the right portion of the video where these words are spoken. in Public bookmarkswith googlelabspoliticsearchspeechyoutubeby 3 users